Who We Are
Take a moment and hear about our heart as a church and how we hope to make a difference in the lives of individuals and our community.
How We Practice Our Faith
A lot of churches have similar beliefs and even use a lot of the same language. What really matters though is how a church practices those beliefs. Read below to find out what makes us, us!
Love Without Fear
We believe a church community should be the safest place for everyone and any topic. This means we love everyone who walks through our doors. Are you skeptical of church, spiritually disillusioned, believe the church has no place for you, or healing from past church hurt and religious trauma? Our goal is to follow the way of Jesus and love people where they are. You don't have to come believing certain things, living a certain lifestyle, or ready to embrace everything we teach. We simply want to love people without fear.

Build Wells Not Fences
When people think of church, they tend to think of a group of people who police boundaries. "Don't do that, don't go there, don't think like this." But Jesus wasn't interested in policing boundaries. Jesus invited people to the well. Jesus drew people toward himself, the source of eternal, living water. At Redemption Orlando we want to build wells of welcome where people are free to experience the way of Jesus as they are. We believe by sitting at the well people can rethink and reconnect with faith and rediscover the beauty of Jesus. We believe that once people experience the life giving way of Jesus, they don't venture too far from Him!
Practice The Way
We don't want to attach man made rules to the way of Jesus and we don’t need to give people a list of things to do for Jesus. Rather, we want to provide people with practices to help people be with Jesus. We believe that when people spend time with Jesus they will become like Jesus, and as they become more like Jesus they will do the things Jesus did. We are all in process. Jesus is good with that, so we’re good with that. We simply invite people to follow the way of Jesus with us and discover what the good life truly is.